"Success does not come from spontaneous combustion...you must set yourself on FIRE!"

About Me

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I have always been athletic and enjoy working hard and doing physical things. In 1996 I "accidentally" started a landscaping company called Land Escapes Inc. in Lincoln, NE (www.LandEscapesOnline.com). Then in 2009 I joined Beachbody as a Coach along with my husband Pat.
-Star Diamond Coach

-Nebraska Coach Council

-Nebraska Coach Presenter's Team

Friday, January 14, 2011

What is this Beachbody thing anyway?

I'm going to just say it right off the bat and get it over with...MLM, Network marketing.  AAAACK, such dirty words which many people run from the moment they hear them.  Hey, I do, why shouldn't you?  But, if you'll take a minute to read on I'd like to share the other side of those nasty, pushy, not well-liked terms...read on.

Yes, Beachbody does offer a network marketing business.  But WAIT.  Before you quit reading, please give me a minute.  Like many I personally HATE so called mlm's and network marketers. They always seem to be pushy people who don't give a crap about me and just want to force me into buying something I don't need so they can meet your quota.  News flash:  BEACHBODY IS NOT LIKE THAT!  And, that's the only reason I got involved.  I saw that they work very hard NOT to be those icky, pushy people.  They actually care about people and have a simple mission to help people reach their goals and enjoy a healthy, fulfilling life.  Hmmmm....

So, we're in the middle of this obesity epidemic in the U.S. and that is a terrible thing.  People are sick and dying way earlier than they should and most of that can be prevented and even reversed.  But how?  Beachbody doesn't believe in wacky diets, gimmick machines or magic pills.  We simply provide the tools to teach people how to exercise and eat properly, that's it.  We strive to get healthy in our own personal lives and then help others do the same by sharing our experience.  What's so icky about that?  Well, nothing!

Here's an example of how it works:  Let's say you have a favorite restaraunt and you tell you friend to go eat there.  Your friend does and enjoys a great meal and they tell their friend, who then go there also.  Do you get a check in the mail from the restaraunt thanking you for the referral and giving you a cut of the tab?  NO.  But, that's exactly what Beachbody does do.  There are tons, well actually, thousands of people out there using Beachbody products such as P90X and talking about it.  If you're not a Coach but have used their products, have you ever told someone about it?  Most likely you have!  Did that person go and buy it?  Perhaps!  If you're doing this already, then you are a Coach but you're just not getting paid for it.

Basically, we share our experience, help others select a program that will work for them, and earn commission off those sales.  We do not force anyone to do anything.  So, is Beachbody an MLM or Network Marketing company? Yes, but we like to think of ourselves as a "Hybrid Network Marketing Company".  We do things differently and want to keep it that way.  Getting past the MLM stigma is probably the hardest thing I do as a Coach although I do understand why people have that idea in their mind.  Personally, I still hate other MLM's and still view them as pushy, insensitive people who I want to run from.  Until they change their approach I will continue to feel that way.  BUT, I encourage you to open your mind to the fact that not every company is like that and I'm proud to say that I am a part of Beachbody.  It's about building relationships with people...not destroying them.  It's about helping people...not just helping myself.  The income is just a bonus but it's not the heart of the company.

If you would like to learn more about what makes Beachbody different, I'd love to talk to you.  This may be something that is right for you....or maybe it's not.  Either way, it's OK!   We have a huge problem in our country and want to simply do what we can to help reverse that and get people living healthier so our kids and grandkids can enjoy long, healthy lives too.  It's not all about us and shouldn't be!

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