"Success does not come from spontaneous combustion...you must set yourself on FIRE!"

About Me

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I have always been athletic and enjoy working hard and doing physical things. In 1996 I "accidentally" started a landscaping company called Land Escapes Inc. in Lincoln, NE (www.LandEscapesOnline.com). Then in 2009 I joined Beachbody as a Coach along with my husband Pat.
-Star Diamond Coach

-Nebraska Coach Council

-Nebraska Coach Presenter's Team

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Why I love Beachbody...

About a year ago I was introduced to the Beachbody Business Opportunity after I had been doing P90X for about 2 months. I have always been one to run as fast as possible in the opposite direction when presented with anything involved with a "Network Marketing Company" or "Multi-Level Marketing". To me, these companies were full of pushy, aggressive people who didn't care about me but were solely focused on meeting their quota's and signing up as many people as possible to benefit themselves. That's not how I work. I have owned/operated my own landscaping company since 1996 and one of the things that has made that business successful is the personal relationship I develope with my clients. I treat my clients as though they were my friend, neighbor or family member and I am sure that my few employees also do the same. We know them by first name and we also know thier pets! The business is based on a relationship as well as solid knowlege and quality work...and it works! When I found out that Beachbody was "one of those" NWM or MLM companies I was hesitant, but I listened anyway. My husband had done a little network marketing in the past so he understood the terms and process. He looked at the comp. plan and told me this one looked different, so we set up an appointment to meet with a local coach and learn more. One of the first things our Coach told us is that he didn't want it to be "icky" and that the business was based on forming relationships with people and offering our support, help and friendship to help people be successful with thier health, fitness, and financial goals. Now that sounded like something I could possibly do since that's already how I have run my landscaping company. Relationships are key! The other key things I learned about why Beachbody was different from "those other companies" were that you don't have to buy inventory and you don't have to invest in a bunch of product or start-up cost just to begin the business. Many other MLM companies out there require hundreds to thousands of dollars just to get your foot in the door and then you have to do hundreds more every month just to get by. With Beachbody that's not the case! Start up is cheap and you don't touch any inventory or products for your clients. You simply purchase a small amount that you can use up every month and that's it! I was already spending plenty of money each month for my own supplements, protein powders and a gym membership....hundreds of dollars each month. NOW, I could spend way less than that, work out in my own home and purchase my supplements from my own company and get 25% off...not bad! The other thing is that qualified Coaches are GIVEN PAYING CUSTOMERS from the Beachbody infomercials! WHAT!!!??? Beachbody gets 15-30 THOUSAND NEW CUSTOMERS EVERY WEEK just from infomercial sales and most of those new customers are placed with Beachbody Coaches for FREE support. Those coaches then earn commission off that customer's future orders...again...not a bad deal! In fact, a really good deal! The number of customers varies throughout the year, but since Jan. 1st of this year I have received nearly 1 new customer each day GIVEN to me from Beachbody. Now, I've been in the landscaping business for 14 years and I know I don't get new customers in that fast! SO, here I am about a year after deciding to join as a Beachbody Coach and I'm thrilled! I've personally met with some of Beachbody's corporate staff including CEO Carl Daikeler, Larry Zimburg, Brett Blake and I've worked out in person with Tony Horton (P90X). I truely believe in this company's heart, mission and goals. They really do care about their customers and coach network and I see it over and over again in the things they are doing, producing and offering. If you're like me and have been scared off my other network or multi-level marketing companies, I completely understand. Heck, all "those other guys" still scare me! I would however encourage you to just look and listen to what Beachbody offers. Don't put it down or scratch it off your list until you've at least given us the time to show it to you. If it sounds like something that you would like to be involved with, GREAT! If it's not, GREAT! I'm just excited and would love the opportunity to share it with you and get your opinion. You're welcome to call or email me anytime with quesitons or if you would like to set up a time to meet in person or on the phone and talk about it. Email me at: Kristin@Lift-Fit.com or call me at: 402.404.LIFT (5438). Have a great day!

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