"Success does not come from spontaneous combustion...you must set yourself on FIRE!"

About Me

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I have always been athletic and enjoy working hard and doing physical things. In 1996 I "accidentally" started a landscaping company called Land Escapes Inc. in Lincoln, NE (www.LandEscapesOnline.com). Then in 2009 I joined Beachbody as a Coach along with my husband Pat.
-Star Diamond Coach

-Nebraska Coach Council

-Nebraska Coach Presenter's Team

Thursday, April 1, 2010

My Shakeology Story...

I woke up this morning to an email saying someone saw my video on the Team Beachbody website! You see, about a month ago I got a call from someone at Team Beachbody saying the wanted to send me a video camera so I could share my success story about how Shakeology helped me. Although I was disappointed that they weren't calling to tell me I had won one of their contests, I thought this was a great opportunity to help others who may be skeptical about using Shakeology, or who may have been suffering with the same health problems I was.

About 4 years ago I got sick with a sinus infection...that's where it started. My doc. put me on an antibiotic and when I went off it, I was still sick so they put me on more. Then I got strep throat and guess what, more antibiotics! Everytime I went on more antibiotics I seemed to get sicker, got diahreah and an upset stomach. Then when I went off the antibiotics I got even sicker and had a fever and shakes. I was told I had something called C.difficile which is a very nasty bacteria that can take over the digestive system when all the good bacteria have been eliminated. It can be fatal too.

One night around 2 am, I was lying in bed shaking from a fever and was so sick to my stomach I couldn't stand it anymore so I drove myself to the ER. After a 3 day stay in the hospital (and being poked and probed in areas I don't like to remember) my doc diagnosed me with "Unspecified Colitis" due to my C.diff. infection. Now, my late father had Ulcerative Colitis for most of my life and due to this my doc said we needed to be safe and I should remain on the meds indefinately to prevent future flare ups...ugh! I was not happy with this as I believed my colitis was a direct result of the C.diff.

A few years went by and I kept popping the pills for my colitis. The C.diff finally got under control and I felt better and put back on the weight (and then some) that I had lost when I was so sick. Then my husband and I started doing P90X which led us to learning about the opportunity to work for Beachbody as Coaches and have the opportunity to make an income while helping others get healthy and fit...great! About that same time, Beachbody was in the process of releasing a brand new product called Shakeology which among many other things, was full of prebiotics and digestive enyzmes. Could this product possibly help my digestive system so I could get rid of all those pills? YES! Within a month of starting Shakeology, I was feeling pretty good and slowly backed off my pills. Now I'm completely rid of them and have had NO flare ups from my Colitis. While I still have to be VERY CAREFUL if I'm ever faced with taking an antibiotic (it still will destroy my system in a matter of days), I can rest easy knowing my digestive system is being well cared for everyday when I drink my shake!

One of the biggest concerns I hear of with Shakeology is the cost. Well for me, the cost of Shakeology is way less than what I was paying monthly for medicine and doctor visits so it has actually SAVED ME MONEY! So, if you're considering trying this product for whatever reason, digestive issues, weight loss, cholesterol problems, etc....why wait? Your health and wellness will thank you and your bills may be lower in the future if your body stays healthy INSIDE as well as out! Here's my video from the Team Beachbody site!

P90X gets political...


Shakeology-The Breakthrough

An invitation from our founder...

Click below to feed my fish...thanks!